Questions & Answers for Letshego Namibia - Rundu

Here you will find questions & answers for Letshego Namibia. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Namibia YP users.
How do I check if I can qualify for a top up on an existing loan through the phone?
How many and which NGO companies that qualifies for your company in Namibia?
How do I check on phone, if I'm eligible to qualify for a loan/ top up?
How do I check my affordability on the phone
Hi. What would be the charges per month if you happen to take N$100 000?
When will you start with consolidation?
Can i still qualify to take another loan because i already have the one ending 2021 which am currently being deducted. N$2032 and i am on contract next year december my contract will come to end.
When are you opening?
If I do a top up on my loan for 2016 which iam being deducted N $1387.02 how much will be my change?
If I borrow N$30 000 and pay it back for five years. How much will you deduct per month?

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